Key Service


NFT Ranks analyzes individual portfolios for NFTs held by NFT holders and analyzes rankings among users based on our data. Beyond simply analyzing the current portfolio, we rank NFT holders based on various indicators such as the point of purchase, purchase price, and gas cost of NFTs that they owned in the past. At this time, the top 30%, diamond hands will be managed in the form of DAO, and they are given various benefits and privileges. In addition, we plan to increase the density between NFT users and NFT projects by introducing the NFT Calendar function that collects and promotes new NFT projects.

  • Portfolio

  • Ranking

  • DAO

  • NFT Calender

Target Users

Unlike traditional projects that focused on just currently holding NFT portfolio analysis, NFT Ranks has a key distinction for those who want to analyze their portfolio, to prepare for NFT projects, and to have NFT-related API or data.

  • Individual portfolio analysis services

  • NFT Projects to use top ranker listing services

  • Provide NFT data analysis through API

Last updated